One of the tenets we preach in the Nuclear Profession is No Victims. The great thing, is that this is also a prevalent message in Project Management as well. But most importantly, there are lessons for every day life as well.
The Victim: The tendency to explain all difficulties exclusively as the consequence of forces beyond your influence. The victim's focus is; problems originate outside of his/herself, seeks to place blame, points fingers, is defensive, uses "should" to explain (or complain), uses words such as "they", helpless, and innocent.
Sorry - I just cannot buy into that scenario or philosophy. The victim loop has only a downward spiral - as I like to call it - The Death Spiral!
A much better philosophy is Essential Integrity. Practice conscious values; Who do you admire and why? What are some qualities of the people you admire? I have to say, that since I have become a member of J-Land, I admire many of you :o)
So - be conscious of your values, and be aware of unconscious expressions and/or behaviors, which will reveal our true values.
I like that philosophy. I find that lately I tend to try to emulate those I admire and avoid the behavior of those that I find abhorrent. Most of the time, life isn't that black and white, but there are a few that are pretty clearcut!
I just had this same conversation today, GMTA!!! GREAT entry :)
Pooh Hugs,
I find that I tend to take responsibility for myself and my actions but others around me blame others. It is so annoying!!! I feel like screaming at them to grow up!
Amen Brother Ken. I whole heartedly agree with your philospphy. And like you, I have met some admirable people here in J-Land. It has been a blessing to me.
Have a wonderful week.
Railing against fate or circumstances is very popular with people who have neither the strength of character nor emotional maturity to see positive things to fruition. I used to be a little more sympathetic to this behavior, until I realized how much those very people hurt others in the process of all their blaming. ~Mary
Ladies, thank you so much for your comments. Glad that I struck a cord with you :o)
Very good entry.
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