Saturday, March 1, 2008

Mouse-In-The-House II

As Beth would say, Phew!  What a long week, there was not a single day that I got out of work before 5:30 PM.  On top of that, I had to be in early both Thursday and Friday, arriving at 7:00 AM.  I know that does not seem early, but since I am not a morning person and it takes me awhile to wake up, and it is a 45 minute drive and 10 minute walk, it sure seems early.  Enough whining and on with the story.


There were some strange sounds this morning. First, on three separate occasions, our kitty Sheeba made his presence known.  There was his insistent mew, walking on us, and his fervent kneading on the bed spread.  Then there was the rumble of the coffee pot as my thick-as-molasses coffee brewed (I am not allowed to make coffee for others because it is usually too strong).  Last, there was the sound of the dead battery on my cell phone, with a high-pitched chirp every five minutes, just as I was about to doze off again.  So we were up and about at 7:30 AM. 


As I was enjoying the paper, and chewing my coffee <LOL>, Beth noticed that Sheeba had been loafing in the kitchen for quite a while (we call it loafing because when he lays on the rug with his front paws curled up under his body, he looks like a loaf of bread).  She proceeded to investigate with the flashlight, and sure enough, there was another critter in the kitchen, stuck to a trap in the gap (we have a 3” x 3” gap between two kitchen cabinets, and the mice seem to like to use it as a hidey-hole and passage).  We usually catch at least one mouse, using a glue trap, each year at this location. 


We keep a yard stick handy for some quick measurements and hard to reach retrievals. Using the yard stick, I was able to retrieve the trap and critter.  Sheeba tried to tell us this morning that something was up, but we just were not listening.  So, thanks for keeping us safe from the little fiend.  My hero!  Even though we did not have a prize waiting for us, it was still priceless :o)


Hope you have a great day and relaxing weekend.


Anonymous said...

You mean you didn't have any surprises in your boots waiting for you, the live variety? or even a beheaded mouse at the front door (I swear the cats think it's passover and they are suppose to mark our doorway).....hmmm Sheeba is a gentler version than the brats that take over my home (winks)....(Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Beth would not say Sheeba is gentle when he bites her legs :o)  Sheeba has always been an indoor kitty, so he is gentler by nature.  As always, thanks for stopping by Indy :o)