Ahhhh!, what a quiet day here at Nutwood. We were able to both sleep in, and have had a lazy day. One thing I try to do on a holiday off from work is to truly take a break from doing work related activities (there is plenty of time over the next two days since Beth is working).
Sitting here looking out to the back forty (eleven actually <LOL>), I am dismayed that it is snowing since today is the official start of spring. The good news is that there is only 1/2 inch accumulation so far, although they are predicting 3-6" over the next day or two.
So, as written recently by my bride, in her entry titled Florida On My Mind, we go to Florida every year. So today, I made our flight and car rental arrangements (took awhile for the flights since I was using a $200 travel voucher based on a canceled work flight back in January). We were able to get airfare for two for less than $500 total. We are looking forward to our Vegecation :o)
Sending warm thoughts out to J-Land.
Looking forward to our annual Florida vegecation! :)
Stupid snow....
I am sorry you are not enjoying Spring yet. It is 72 here today and sunny...bragging. It will still go up and down and be cool at night, but we are there and everyone is glad. I lived in S. FL for 27 years. Still love going back in the summer. Now that I am retired, I may go next winter for a while too...grin.
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