Friday, May 30, 2008

Vacation Boy :o)

I know, a second entry on the same day :o)  Things have been hectic, getting ready for vacation (we are heading to New Smyrna Beach, Florida, about 20 miles south of Daytona), and normal work activities (not to mention getting caught up on J-Land happenings).  So, tonight, I was able to focus on leisure versus work.

So, why Vacation Boy you might ask (a pause as I put my hand to my ear and listen intently).  Alas, you can not take the gEEk out of the Electrical Engineer (who is an EE, a little bit of engineering humor), and the Nerd out of a Scientist.  So, I am Vacation Boy, and Beth is Vacation Girl, whenever we travel :o)  No need to ask for more information, just be content with the fact that we are Geeks/Nerds!

We head out on our VegeCation (a cross of being Vegetables while we sit and drink beer and read books, interspersed with some jaunts to the ocean and some golf and sightseeing), and our Vacation, where we relax and reset our proverbial clocks :o)  Hence, VegeCation.

We have confirmed that we can get WiFi at the Timeshare, so never fear, you will not be able to escape us for the next week.  HaHa :o)

Hope you are getting ready for a wonderful weekend :o)


Anonymous said...

Two entries in one day?! I'm rubbing off on you!

Even though I'm now Permanent Vacation Girl, it's still a lot of fun to plan our time in Florida and look forward to our annual vegecation! Wee-hoooo!


Anonymous said...

Hope you two have a great time and get lots of rest along with the fun.

Anonymous said...

Have a great vacation!

Anonymous said...

Have a great vacation and wave at daytona for me when you go by ...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

dear Bucko,
thanks for your great comments about teh National Conservation Society and what they stand for..:) Nice entry:)