Friday, June 20, 2008

Bad Sheeba Poetry III - Here's Looking At You :o)



So sorry to hear,

Things have been a real bear,

I feel the need to shed a crocodile tear,

Hoping you can "tie" up loose ends and be near,

That you can find your way clear,

To be with your Kitty, who will flop for less than the price of a beer.


[Told you it was bad.  For explanation, every night when I get home,

Sheeba lets out a several little mews, and then proceeds to flop on the

carpet at my feet for an extreme belly rub :o)] 




Anonymous said...

That picture never fails to crack me up. Sheeba looks like he's ready to go on a job interview. Hee hee! "Hello. I would like to apply for the Assistant Director job. I'm expected."


Anonymous said...

Sheba looks like my Merlin! LOL

Anonymous said...

Thanks I needed the smile. Too cute! (Hugs)Indigo

P.S. How the hell did you manage to get the tie on him and come away with your hands still intact? (winks)

Anonymous said...

What a sweetheart.  I miss my kitty and now my foster kitties are gone too.  I'm glad they got a good home but.....
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

Does she say that in normal cadence or is it slightly shrill because of the pressure from the freakin' ugly tie?

Anonymous said...

lol cute kitty