Sunday, June 8, 2008

Do I Love You My Deer?

As always, our return home is wonderful, and we always make sure the day after is not a normal work day.  We stayed up and watched a Saturday Night Live rerun (actually opening mail, reading e-mails, etc.), and then a Law and Order, finally to bed around 2:00 A.M..  Nice to be in our own bed.  Sheeba was very vocal this morning, so I got up about 8:30 A.M., read the paper, had my coffee, balanced the checkbook, etc. 


At about 11:30 A.M., out to the yard to get caught up on almost two weeks worth of growth, and as those of you in the Midwest know, there was plenty of rain last week, so the yard, and especially the path through our marsh, was very dense. 


Saw our first fawn of the season while I was mowing the marsh path, still had the white spots <aaawww>.  While I love our deer, they have been doing a number on our new fruit trees.  Today, I pounded some poles into the ground and attached wire baskets to them to try and salvage them.  The cute deer sure do like the sweeter leaves.


Finished up at about 3:30 P.M., and came in to get cleaned up.  My timing was excellent as I sit here and type this entry, it has been down pouring for 30 minutes, with lightning and tornado warnings.  The worst of the weather missed us though :o)


Here is hoping that all our friends out there were able to miss the worst of the weather.  Dan of Slapinions in Milwaukee reported a flooded basement, so send good thoughts his way that it is not to significant.


Back to the grind tomorrow :o(


Update: at 5:00 P.M., the rain has stopped and everything is calm :o)


Anonymous said...

That lightning strike and subsequent crack of thunder made us both jump! Everything seems to be in working order, thank goodness. The yard looks beautiful, and after such a heavy thunderstorm, the sun is shining!


Anonymous said...

Dear Bucko,
welcome home!
Glad you got a break !

Anonymous said...

And why didn't you do my lawn too? (<mischievious here)I just put together our new mower and washed down 2 large dog crates and cleaned up the yard. Which Paul (Doc) wasn't inclined to do yesterday or we might still have our old mower and it wouldn't be sitting, waiting for repairs on the blade....Me? (<---Not the happy one) I'm finished with my break and must now go mow entire yard, a couple lots worth...seeing as happy go lucky (the one I'm NOT amused with at the moment) has gigs all this week again. Beware musicians are not kind to mechanical yard devices! (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

glad you made it safely home and the bad weather passed you by

Anonymous said...

Read about the deer problem, had a similar problem as New York is full of deer, in town and out, the deer were eating the corn, beans, lettuce, and everything in garden and the cedar shrubs, Deer repellant tablets, pie plates and tin cans strung from wire, scarecrows didn't work, My neighbor came over and I asked him why the Deer didn't touch his garden or shrubs or blue berry patches he said he had a secret and if I wanted he would fix me up!.

I said sure, go ahead, he went home and brought over a bag full of hair from the barbershop, sprinkled it around the edge of the garden, he had an old pair of nylons and he cut some small squares, put some hair in them, tied the ends togeather & hung these small bags on the bushes.   He said deer don't like human scent where they eat!


Anonymous said...

The deer in my neighborhood, which is very residential, have no problem prancing through the backyard looking for something to eat.  But they're sooo cute, and I don't have a garden to worry about, so I just watch them and enjoy.

Hey, my dog is named Sheba, too!   -Karen