After loading our bags into the back of Big Blue, I maneuvered through the Long Term parking lot exit gate, and pulled up to the gate house to pay our parking fee. The parking attendant immediately inquired “How was your trip?” with a very happy and cheery attitude. “Very nice” I replied.
The total parking fee for the week was $64, which seemed higher than usual. The parking attendant then inquired whether I was aware that parking in the economy lot would give us significant savings. Turns out that the Long Term lot is $8 per day, with no maximum, but the economy lot, which is only about an extra one minute walk, is $7 per day with a $35 maximum fee. My normal trips are only three or four days, so I have not paid attention to the fee schedule. So lesson learned, if we are going to be gone for more than five days, economy is the only way to go :o) Make sure your research your parking fees schedule at your airport of choice, there could be significant savings in your future.
As we exited the airport, Beth and I both commented on how pleasant the attendant was, and what a wonderful representative of South Bend he is. A smile and a kind word is important, and hopefully returned many times over. Think, in the course of a day, how many smiles he created, and what the payback of that is – priceless!
Here is sending a Huge Smile To You :o)
Yeah, wasn't he great? Amazing how something as simple as a kind word and a smile can affect someone's day.
lol! a little tongue and cheek goes a long way!
Bucko you were shocked probably that no one mentioned it early? At least she cared huh?
I can't tell you how many times talking to someone with a pleasant attitude has boistered my mood for the day. He was indeed helpful with the info. on the parking rates. (Hugs)Indigo
Customer curitosy is what makes me return and I wish more people knew that ..
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