Saturday, August 30, 2008

At A Loss :o(

Hard to believe, but it is a tie.  So, as I type this, I am the last candidate to announce my running mate.  As I mentioned in a previous entry, The Toweler VP Selection, I was seeking your input regarding my running mate.  Alas, it is a tie. 

I considered variations on the results, Jack Cowell, or Simon Nicholson, but neither of them seemed to fit the bill.  So J-Land, I must again infringe on your supreme decision-making capabilities, and seek your input.  Below are a few of my thoughts, and a poll, so please, let me know who I should select to go up against the vastly experienced Biden and the relatively unknown and inexperienced Palin.

Jack Nicholson - What can I say about the icon?  While I have been known to be a tyrant with a 9-Iron, nothing compared to one of Jack's reactions to driving in the city.  He has demonstrated his understanding of the urban mentality, and his various movie roles have shown that he can be in touch with both mainstream and psycho-land.  I have to admit that his lack of foreign film experience makes me wonder if there is a potential weakness in his foreign affairs positions and experience.

Simon Cowell - He is the new kid on the block.  While it might be interesting to see a debate between Sarah Palin and Simon, both of whom know little of American politics,  I think that Simon would mop the floor with her based on his being foreign and all.  What argument could be brought forward regarding illegal immigration, he has the most popular reality TV show in America, and he is a Brit!  As for domestic policy, they are both so far removed from the heartland of America, who could believe or even begin to question their positions.

Both of these superstars could rival Obama as far as name recognition, and they may pull in even more autograph seekers.  Is it possible that by selecting one of these candidates, I could sneak under the super-duper, double viper, radar and get my message heard???

Please help me decide by participating in the poll below.

I am the Toweler and I approve this message :o)



Anonymous said...

"As for domestic policy, they are both so far removed from the heartland of America, who could believe or even begin to question their positions."



Anonymous said...

Thank you for the comment on My Journal congratulating me on edir=tors pick.  Lucille4364

Anonymous said...

... though Jack has a shown intensity, you gotta wonder if he doesn't mail it in from time to time ... Simon has a 'never scared' to him, that will let him stare down the Russians and the Afghans ... not to mention the off key Iranians ..!

Anonymous said...

I can't help but think that Jack is the better candidate.  Come on folks, Simon is from where?  Is he even a citizen?  I don't think so.  I think I started something.  LOL and hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

No contest, it's gotta be Jack. I mean, who could trust Simon Cowell? Look at his smarmy, cheesy grin and and that smug attitude.

Good luck.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for leaving a coment on my journal.  I hope you may visit again. I don't write very rgularily..just when the idea takes me !!  I may even write  something tonight !!   definately  Simon Cowel as your running mate LOL  Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

I like Jack but I cannot help but think he'd leave a tell tale trail of bongs, booze & half dressed girls throughout the White House. I believe that would just piss Beth off. ~Mary

Anonymous said...

Simon all the way! LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow.... it's neck and neck right now.... well, I just pulled Simon ahead.
