Time Magazine includes a book review in the Briefing section every week. The September 1, 2008, issue provides a review of The Obama Nation.
This is one that I will not be reading. It is written by Jerome Corsi, who also wrote Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry. These types of books only muddy the water, and result in a perpetuation of negative campaigning. Also, instead of campaigning on facts, time must be spent responding to innuendo and inaccuracies, lest a lack of response be construed as an admission of fact.
The review indicates this is a poor attempt to cash in on his previous success, and a slapdash of information, with many inaccuracies (eight factual errors in the first 50 pages).
I think the following quote pretty much sums it up "Obama Nation may be most useful for readers convinced Obama is secretly a radical leftist Muslim smoker; they may find the book comforting, like reading a Wikipedia entry summarizing everything they have read before."
I wasn't planning on reading this book, anyway, but this tears it!
I won't be reading the book either. Have a good night.
... I like how the Obama folks got out in front of this so it won't be a Swift Boat kind of thing ... the only ones who will give this mess any credence won't vote for Obama anyway ...
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