Sunday, August 17, 2008

Friends & Family Tour - Steve's Classroom

As we mentioned during our Vegecation entries, we headed up to the Central Coast of California to visit our great friends, Steve and Kim.  Below are some pictures I took of my bud Steve during the afternoon we arrived (we got their earlier than they expected, and both had a few errands to run).  As a matter of fact, I was buying some cool amber beverage at the grocery store, and I heard a "Ken, how you doing?"  I looked over at the other checkout lane, and there was Steve, doing a little last minute shopping prior to - or during <LOL> our arrival.  Steve is a middle school science teacher, and he keeps a variety of reptiles in his classroom.  Our mission, which I chose to accept, was to get some crickets for the salamander & frog, some mice for the smaller snakes, and a rat for the bigger boa.  It was cool to see him feed them, but gruesome at the same time.  WARNING, SOME OF THESE PICTURES ARE GRAPHIC !!!
In order of appearance (Thanks Kim):
Gecko is Gieco
Golden Tree Frog is Goldie
Gopher snake is Buddha
Red Tail Boa (the big boy) is Red
Rosy Boa (even though this one isn't rosy) is Azul (blue)
King snake is, well, Elvis!
If you look closely to the very middle picture (bowl of boa :o), you can see the rat hiding in the corner.  Snakes eat/attack based on movement, so as long as the "little rat" is not moving, then it is safe.
The last picture is of my great friend Steve, with one of his cold blooded creatures :o)


Anonymous said...


Actually that's pretty cool. I kinda wish I'd gotten to see them! Snakes don't bother me much--they're pretty interesting creatures.


Anonymous said...

I hate those long ucky things!  EWWWW!!!

Anonymous said...

My oldest boy used to have a very large boa (until it got too big to feed just mice and rats) and I actually grew attached to that snake.  He was beautiful but it is very hard to feed live mice and such as I have a big heart for any animal.  I usually stayed away when that was going on.  Great photo's though.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

My son had pet mice, but never got around to a snake, though....  anyway, it was hard enough for me to get crickets for food, don't think I'd like to feed the snakes mice.... that's too sad.  LOL!!!


Anonymous said...

Good thing I've gotten over my fear of snakes (winks)...they don't scare me these days. Having a snake on my totem kind of helps put them in a better light.

I think I would of found the visit to Steve's classroom enlightening. (Hugs)Indigo