As we get older, I believe it takes us longer to catch up [Ketchup] from the whole Jet Lag thing. I had to force myself to go to bed last night at 12:30 A.M., and did not get to sleep until after 1:00 A.M. I got up shortly before 6:00 A.M., and was at work well before 8:00 A.M.
To my astonishment, my office was "punked", with lots of Michigan pictures and emblems. This summer, my intern and I have traded jabs regarding Michigan, and my anti-MI leanings. I am a grad of Illinois, and a huge ND fan now, so have several reasons to not be a Michigan fan. There were emblems in my coffee cup, in my desk drawers, on my white boards, on the wall, you get the picture :o)
I laughed out loud, and then proceeded to alter some of the "leavings", lots of circle/slashes "NOT", and changing the message from Go Blue to Beat Blue.
My intern was a true gem, and we all liked her. We got her a card and a gift, and they gave her a going away lunch yesterday (I was still on Vegecation). When we took pictures, I told her to give me a hug, and she got a little choked up :( She got several more :o)
Today was not bad, I only had two meetings scheduled, so was actually able to get some ketchupping done today. At my afternoon meeting, while talking to a co-worker, she asked how my vacation was and I said "Yeah, I can probably keep my calm demeanor for another day or two before it gets squashed."
Happy hump day, it's a slow slide into the weekend :o)
Sounds like your intern got you good. LOL. Isn't it hard to get back in the groove after a nice vacation like you had? BTW, thanks for carrying the load for me. grin
Hugs, Joyce
Aww, that's so sweet about your intern. From what you've told me, it sounds like she has a very bright future ahead of her...perhaps at your company...? It's always such a pleasure to encounter such bright and hard-working students.
Sounds like a fun group at work!!
Have some fries with that.
hey Welcome home! :0
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