Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Be Vewy Vewy Caweful :o)

One of the things that is becoming very discouraging lately is how the whole Presidential Campaign has become about personalities and negative adds, versus the issues.  This is after both candidates indicated that they would take the high road.  Tsk Tsk, Shame Shame.

So, as the following video states at the very end, Be Vewy Vewy Caweful:o)



Anonymous said...

That's gotta be one of the weirdest things I've ever seen, but it cracks me up!


Anonymous said...

Cute video, although it's a crime what they did to that marshmallow rabbit 'Peep' wannabee. I love those things.

I don't encourage a negative campaign, but I don't judge either side too harshly when they pop up. It seems to be an inevitable result of humans competing for that much power. Heck, even Canadian elections can get rough (wish I could link the the article I just read on their PM contest).

It's an American tradition, if a sad one, going back to the Colonies. In high school I did a report on an obscure American Heritage article that rehashed campaign slander against George Washington of all people - going so far as to call him a woman in drag. And of course the Jeffersonian elections got very nasty - the Sally Hemmings rumours were started by his opponents at that time.

So, whatever we dish up now is just par for the course.


Anonymous said...

Even the kittens laughed(sort of).  
The thing with nastiness in campaigns ( & I found this in aol blogs about candidates also) is that everyone talks about the other side taking low cheap shots, & then they do it too.  Kinda loses some credibility that way.

A couple of people who sent me glowing emails when I defended things said against Obama, now have also forwarded me smack against Palin.  Oh ok. I get it now. It was bad for Obama because they wanted him to win, but it is fine for Palin because they want McCain to lose. That's so fair. ~Mary

Anonymous said...

Very funny...he killed my favorite candy.  What's up with that.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

I have that song in my Itunes folder somewhere! Never seen the video before though. Thanks for the chuckle.


Anonymous said...

with all the bs going around it is good to have a place that sorts it out for you thanks

Anonymous said...

... at the DPL and the video didn't show ... it is a shame that it is going to come to this, esp. when it would seem on side can just stick to issues that concern many of us, and win easily ... just my opinion ...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for stopping by my journal.  

The Elmer Fudd video is hilarious...  sick, by hilarious.
