Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy Birthday LEGO

I was reading today in Time Magazine that LEGO's are 50 years old.  Since I am 45 years old, I did not realize that I was on the forefront of the Lego revolution.  I know that I loved playing with them when I was little, and marveled and was ecstatic when wheels, windows, and doors came out. 

Now, with a 16 year old son, who loved Lego's as much as I did growing up, I have been amazed with the changes.  They have full replicas of buildings, vehicles, Star Wars, and ..... (the list goes on). 

Today, you can even get programmable Lego's, and make robots.  What an era we live in.  May our innocence and love of the simple and playful never waiver.



Anonymous said...

May our innocence and love of the simple and playful never waiver.

Those words said it all. I remember Lego's and my daughter graduating to smaller and more difficult diorama's as she grew.....Thanks for the reminder of a wonderful era. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Thanks Indigo. It is hard to not smile when thinking of Lego's and the associated innocence and imagination that goes with them. :o)