Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sweet Saturday

I awoke this morning at about 7:30, toasty warm under the covers, energized for a Saturday off after a long week.  I practically leapt out of bed, immediately got dressed and made the bed. 

A quick look at the thermometer showed that it was a brisk 16 degrees outside.  I donned my winter jacket and gloves, and headed out to forage for the morning paper.  My breath sent puffs of steam into the air as I carefully sidestepped the ice patches in the driveway, the frozen snow and ice crunching loudly in the morning stillness.  When I returned to the house, my glasses quickly fogged up, and I gingerly made my way to the coat rack. After reading the morning paper and savoring my morning coffee, I headed off to run some errands. 

As I started Blacky, I smiled at the throaty roar of the GT starting up.  I popped in the new Kid Rock CD and smiled as I thought of the recent discovery by Beth that "Amen" was by Kid Rock (thanks Indigo).  Turns out that the album is very good (sorry, still think of the entire CD as an album).  As I filled the gas tank, I left the door open and was moving with the music :o)

My first encounter of the day was at the post office.  The postal clerk was very friendly and full of smiles.  As I mailed my Mom's taxes of to her, I thanked the clerk and wished her a great day :o)

My second encounter was getting a haircut.  As I sat in the chair and she was plying her trade, I was uncomfortable with the silence.  I asked whether the new nearby shopping plaza had impacted her business.   Such a simple question, asking another how they are doing and showing that you care, resulted in fifteen minutes of non-stop chatter from her.  I learned that men are more loyal to hair stylists than women are, and that women are more likely to switch do save a few bucks, all of which I found surprising.  I left her a healthy tip and was rewarded with a warm smile as I left the store.

I also exchanged warm smiles with the clerks at the hardware and grocery stores.  It never ceases to amaze me how simple it is to connect with another through a smile, and very rare is it to not be returned :o)

My last encounter was at home as the DirectTV installer was getting ready to switch satellite dishes for us (we got the HD compatible dish today, so now the Food Network is in HD :o)  I spent the next 45 minutes chatting with Henry, the installation technician.  He saw the Mustang in the garage and proceeded to tell me about his 1998 convertible GT, green with tan colored seats and top, with only 55,000 miles on it - he really is proud of his car.  He gets paid by the job, and only needed to swap dishes (less than 30 minutes), so he was in a great mood.

So, hopefully you see, I had a great day today.  So why make this entry, which is a change from my normal type of entries?  It is simple really - it is to say Thank You to J-Land.  Reading your entries and comments has inspired me to be more aware of others and to seek to interact in a positive way with them.  This is a benefit of starting this Journal that I never expected.  Here is hoping you a sweet day, with many encounters that bring smiles to others and to you!



Anonymous said...

Wow...what a great attitude!  I agree, that a smile given is rewarded by a smile...and it doesn't cost a thing!
xoxo ~Myra

Anonymous said...

Right you are Myra, sending a :) your way :o)

Anonymous said...

How cool that you encountered many nice people all in one day. I went to the local newspaper on Friday to pay my bill and the lady who has sat behind the counter for yrs and yrs was SO nice to me. I was having a bad day and it meant so much to me to talk with her and for her to smile. If you go to pay your water/sewer bill here you always encounter the same woman and she is so mean and always puts me in a bad mood. It is cool to be around NICE people.


Anonymous said...

You will never know how many of those people you encountered were not having a good day and would have remained silent or not smiled, had you not made the first gesture of a warm smile and interest in them. You are really an awesome guy, and each time I read one of your entries, I'm reminded to strive to be a better is I, who thanks you.

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I used to work with a man with a perma scowl on his face.  He was always talking about all the nasty, stupid or unhelpful people he met.  Sometimes you get what you give.  Thankfully, it works pretty much the same when you smile at people all day, you get a lot back. ~Mary

Anonymous said...

I think all the comments on this entry have said it very well. I find that a positive attitude not only is helpful to those we encounter, it also helps US feel better. Knowing that we may have brightened someone's day is a great thing in itself, and provides the fringe benefit of brightening our own. Thanks for making me smile, but then you always do!


Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your comments, they made me smile, which is what the entry was all about.  :o)