Monday, September 29, 2008

Bailout Fails :o(

This is a non-partisan entry.  As they say on Dragnet, "Just the Facts".

Dem 140 For Bailout
Dem 95 Against Bailout

GOP 65 For Bailout
GOP 133 Against Bailout


Anonymous said...

And stock market drops 777. Grrrr.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, DC is nuts right now. Dems don't want to do it because it rewards Wall Street, Repubs don't want to do it because they think it smacks of socialism, and no one on either side is sure which way (yea/nay) the polls will reward. What a weird week.


Anonymous said...

Crazy, crazy times right now. We are watching history unfold before our eyes.  I was taking a stroll and wondering what people were thinking before the great depression struck.  Of course I wasn't alive then but I've read enough about it and always remembered those haunting visions of the food lines.  I sure hope somebody can fix the mess we are in now.

Anonymous said...

we just lost another couple thousand dollars in our 401k today!

Anonymous said...

Very, Very scary times!!!
