Saturday, September 6, 2008

Go Illini :o)

If you love football as much as Beth and I do, then I highly recommend either cable or satellite service.  We get the BigTen Network on our Direct TV, and we just got done watching my alma mater get their first victory of the season (lost to #6 Missouri last week), at home (Memorial Stadium), in an impressive win 47-21 (not as close as it looked, the backup quarterback came in with 12 minutes left in the game, and fumbled twice).  Juice Williams (that is his real name) is the quarterback and he is amazing to watch (option and passing).  He had more than 1,300 yards rushing last year.


Updates on other teams in the Big Ten:


Ohio State - Win

Michigan - Win

Michigan State - Win

Purdue - Win

Iowa - Win

Wisconsin – Win


3:30 P.M.Penn State plays.


7:00 P.M.Indiana, NorthWestern, and Minnesota play



At 3:30, I will be going off-line because Notre Dame will be playing their first game of the season (we are huge fans).  As Beth mentioned on her Journal, the Air Force jets were flying earlier (about 12:30), and they are getting ready again here at 2:50 P.M. (their pattern takes them right over our house as we are only about five miles as a crow flies from the ND Stadium).


Of course, I am sure you can count on an update on how the Irish did later :o)


Anonymous said...

Go Irish!


Anonymous said...

I don't follow college ball much.  Of course, I usually know what's going on with U. of TN ball but that's about it.  I love NFL though and can't wait for it to get going.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

I'm not really an athletic supporter but I did suffer thru the Seahawks/Raiders game last week because I thought maybe I'd see my son in the crowd~fat chance!  Too many people!  Linda in WA  

Anonymous said...

did you go to Notre Dame?

Anonymous said...

... well, I won't 'dig' on the Irish too much for your sakes ... that Michigan game looks as enticing as watching grass grow ... but I just watched the '91 game with Desmond Howard working his magic on ESPN classic ... too bad he still isn't eligible ...