Friday, September 26, 2008

Russia From My Window :o)


Relax J-Land Tigers, this picture is meant in jest.  I found this over at Wicked Politics [Warning, do not click the link if McCain/Palin bashing makes your blood boil, or your blood pressure soar] :o)
Hope you have a great Friday evening, and if you are going to watch the debate, remember that if you already know who you are going to vote for, then you are not the target audience.
I estimate that 80% of America has already decided who they will vote for (about 30% of our voters are declared independents), which based on the 2004 election, leaves about 20 million left to decide.  The margin of victory for Bush was about 10 million, so you can see where the emphasis will be.  So, try and relax, remember that there are strong feelings amongst those who have decided, and you will watch the debate through those filtered glasses.


Anonymous said...

I'm willing to bet that the number of voters--undecided or not--will be much higher than the 2004 election numbers. It seems that a lot more people are engaged this year, and the Obama campaign has been registering voters right and to speak!


Anonymous said...

... and I see Canadians every day on my 'cookie run' ..!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the warning on the link.