Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Be Thankful, Things Can Always Be Worse

I had the opportunity to spend some quality time listening to a co-worker tonight.  Last week, she was faced with a life threatening situation for her sister, that spilled over to her own family.  Now, they have to deal with the aftermath.  The good thing is that nobody from her family was physically hurt, only the individual who caused the situation.  I pray for her and her family.  I also hope that all of you are doing well and that life is good for you. :o)

As an added thought, along the lines of my previous entry challenging if you care enough.  Tonight, while leaving work, I stopped at one of our out buildings where a friend of mine was still working (5:30 PM), I walked into his office, and asked him to stand up.  I gave him a big hug, and told him that I am there for him.  He lost his father very recently, and today was his first day back in the office.  Do not just think about showing you care, stop and show it!


Anonymous said...

what you did for your friend who lost his dad was something he will appreciate for the rest of his life. You have a lot of compassion for others.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Lisa :o)

Anonymous said...

Awwhhh, what a nice gesture....I'm sure you made a very difficult time in his life a little easier. Thanks for caring about people, we need more Americans to act like you!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

As the saying goes,"a little kindness never hurt anyone".... Wonderful , caring gesture dear friend. We could use more people like you out there in the world. (Hugs) Indigo