Recently, I have had the opportunity to be involved in discussions related to harassment. Harassment can take many forms - sexual, racial, religious, cultural, intimidation...
Through many life experiences, I have developed a zero-tolerance threshold for harassment in any way, shape, or form. When the subject of harassment comes up, suddenly, people take the "walking on eggshells" approach to dealing with the issue.
I say, Hogwash! If you live your every day life cognizant of the impact that your words and actions can have on others, and internalize your values, then there should rarely (never say never :o) be any issue with the potential for harassment.
One life lesson is to treat others as you would be treated. How true. I attempt to keep a positive attitude, to be optimistic versus pessimistic (I almost always can find the silver lining), to make my humor not personally directed, to not use disparaging phrases, and to be aware of others. My natural interaction style is low key and participative.
If you internalize your values, attempt to be positive, and to truly care for others, then harassment should be a word that you can eliminate from your vocabulary.
So, practice the Golden Rule and help eliminate harassment.
While I do agree in general, specifically, I think some store up & become angered over perceived(not nec. actual) personal offenses & lash out in a harassing way, both to the people they feel have wronged them & toward the populace generally. That kind of harassing often carries an indifference to fact that the person is not even aware of. ~Mary
i like this entry.....though by nature, i am a big pessimist. (that may be spelled wrong).
Sometimes people hate themselves and project that out on others, whether it is a stranger or a loved one and the abuse from that can be heartbreaking. Some people are just plain evil.
Mary and Lisa, thanks for stopping by.
One of the things we discussed was that harrassment starts small, and builds slowly. We are making sure in our work environment that we do not condone any type of profanity, because this sets the stage. :o)
Works for individual aspirations. I myself teach others well. I can't speak for the rest of the populance. There are times and circumstances no matter how kind, compassionate or empathic you are, someone will find offense. The old adage goes, "You can't please everyone". As in any society, there will be your rude, ugly persona's. Sometimes being the better person doesn't necessarily say you will not find yourself a victim of their mentality. (Hugs) Indigo
Meant to say "treat" rather than teach, but it could work either way (winks)....Indy
Agreed. Beth and I strive to please ourselves, being able to look in the mirror, knowing that we do our best each and every day. Thanks Indy :o)
tho you may live the golden rule, there will always be cowards out there that feel the need to beat down others in various ways... it's truly sad..... but very true.
great entry
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