Sunday, February 24, 2008

Kitty Prize (Mouse-In-The-House I)

When I got up this morning I noticed something by our shoe rack.  Upon closer examination, our kitty had left us a prize, he had been mousing during the night.  He got lots of praise and multiple scratches behind his ears.  As for the prize, it is in the yard where hopefully our local hawk will have a snack.

I am just thankful that this time he left his prize in plain view.  A year or so ago, I went to put on a pair of shoes, and found his prize with my toes, still makes me smile :o) 

Hope you have a prizeless day!



Anonymous said...

OMG. I HATE mice! I would have screamed bloody murder if i put my foot in a shoe and a dead mouse was in there!!!!! lol

I bet you get more mice left since kitty got the scratches and praises.


Anonymous said...

LOL...just doing his job!!
xoxo ~myra

Anonymous said...

I remember when Sheeba dropped the mouse in your shoe! The kids were cracking up!

Sheeba is an excellent mouser. Since we live out in the country, critters are a part of life, but it's good to know that Sheeba is on the job.



Anonymous said...

Yes Myra, he was just doing his job (and he is very good at it!).  But, alas, not sure if there is another mouse in his future as he is curled up on the couch and sound asleep. Maybe tomorrow (I have whispered in his ear to leave a prize in "momsies" shoe) :o)

Anonymous said...

What a good kitty....doing his job well :) I think I would not be so calm to find it in my shoe you check them now each time before you slide your foot in?? LOL!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I do not check my shoes, but at times, I do insert my toes gingerly :o)

Anonymous said...

my cat somehow killed a sparrow inside my 3rd floor walk up-- don't have a clue how it got in here but after finding feathers here and there for about 2 days she finally dragged it out for me to see. . . in all its rigor-mortised glory!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting abaleman :o)  Sorry your cat brings you as many problems and joy.