Sunday, May 4, 2008

Saskatoon Pictures

 I will not include much text since I have already made two entries.

The quality is not that good, but I will be getting a new digital camera this year.  These were taken on my cell phone :o)



How lucky, the first afternoon I arrived, there

was a domonstration against several legislative

bills.  This was right across the street from my



                                                                This is a picture of the River

that runs through Saskatoon. 

With most of the land being prairie,

it is strange having such a lush river.  The river

is not too deep though, but I did see several boats.








Here, I am on on the second floor, outside the

doctor's office, looking back down mainstreet.

How cool that there is an entire town inside

the building.  The building does not look that

imposing from the outside.








This is an area at the back

of the building.  Due to the

many people that were

taking old farm machinery and

selling for scrap, there was a

concerted effort by the province,

in conjunction with the Agricultural

Hall of Fame, to preserve the equipment.

All equipment in this building is from

1910-1930 Vintage.









Anonymous said...

I love the third picture. It looks like a movie set!


Anonymous said...

Stepping back in time, in a big way.  I love the indoor town.  That would be amazing to see.  Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Now that would be an interesting place to visit!
