Sunday, December 9, 2007

Holiday Specs

The December 17th, 2007 Edition of TIME had the following in the Briefing Section:

White House 2007 Holiday Specs

895,000 Christmas cards sent

20,000 Christmas cookies

10,000 Handmade tamales

1,000 Pounds of Shrimp

862 Feet of Garland

700 Assorted holiday cakes

600 Pounds of asparagus

347 Ornaments on main tree

320 Gallons of eggnog

232 Wreaths

73 Volunteers

33 Christmas trees.

Sure would be a sight to see.  When we took our 2004 trip to D.C., we had made arrangements for a White House tour, but it was canceled.  Something to look forward to in the future.

As for the holiday party scene, been there, done that.  Not really my cup of tea so to speak.  I have always been the one or two friends/family members, a cold "amber" beverage, and a game of pool/ping pong or the like. 

My wife and I get along so well because we are both introverts, relying on simple activities (reading, yard work, talking, etc.) to keep us satisfied, no need for other people's approval or constant interaction with others to make our lives complete.


Anonymous said...

600 pounds of asparagus?! Criminy.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Ken! Congrats on yer journal, buddy! Better subject matter than uh, some others I've read. Heh heh.

I'll be stopping by for a dose of sanity...just as soon as my computer gets repaired, that is.


Anonymous said...

Blogging Bucko! I've added your blog to my Favorites. Thanks for letting us know. It's a great way to do a quick "check in ".

Trying do do a little ketchup around here too. Lots of things to finish up before the holidays. We're working at keeping the holiday fun and less stressful too. Just to make things a bit more interesting, I've also been called for Jury duty next week.

Life is never dull!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for commenting, love all three of you :o)