Monday, February 25, 2008

Blilnd Spot - Be Gone!

Have you ever wondered how to get rid of your side-view mirror’s blind spot?  Here is what State Farm recommends.  Thanks Lee.
To adjust the left side mirror, place your cheek against the side window and adjust the mirror until you can just barely see the left side of your car.  To adjust the right mirror, sit in the center of the front seat and move the mirror until you can barely see the right side.  Once you’ve done that, you won’t be able to see either side of your own car while sitting in your driver’s seat.  But the important thing is you’ll be able to see cars approaching from your rear on either side.  The vehicles will be in your side-view mirrors before they leave your rear view mirror.  And they’ll be in your peripheral vision before they leave your side-view mirrors.
I have done the above and it does work.  So I recommend you give it a try. It does take a little getting used to, but well worth it to avoid an accident.  Stay Safe :o)  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip, Ken, I'll try it out :)

Pooh Hugs,