Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday

What a country we live in.  What makes us great, democracy, the ability to speak our minds, to have differing opinions and to voice them (often boisterously), also makes us look like the ugly Americans we often are (just look at our standing in the world, and the approval ratings of Congress and our President). 

So tonight, we are watching the election results because this really is different from what we are used to; no republican incumbent, a woman and an African American on the democratic side, the potential to end the "dynasty" era, and the largest potential youth vote in history.  On the flip side (how appropriate for a political entry :o)), both parties have resorted to negative ads and campaigns.  They all claim to be agents of change, but they are also all following the recent pattern of negativity to make themselves look better. 

So here is hoping that after the evening ends, that the negativity will also end.  That as a country we can start to focus on our problems, our issues, and our future, for all of us - young and old, republican and democrat, rich and poor, Caucasian and non-Caucasian, insured and non-insured, and the list goes on......


Anonymous said...

I second that emotion. :)


Anonymous said...

Well said hon! It's time to put aside the high school games and show us exactly what behavior they plan on displaying in the White House. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Thanks Indy.  Hope you voted yesterday. :o)