Sunday, February 10, 2008

Free Rice Site Helps Ease World Hunger

I mentioned this cause previously here in J-Land after visiting

Below is part of an article that was in our local paper. How cool that this is new and is having such a great impact. 

John Breen displays a handful of rice in his Bloomington, Ind., office.
Breen helped start a Web site,, which donates rice to
people in developing countries when viewers get words correct while
 playing a vocabulary game.

Free Rice site helps ease world hunger

-It may seem like a scam, but it's not.

The Herald-Times

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- John Breen laughed when told that his Free Rice Web site is a current topic of interest on several Internet sites that vet "Internet hoaxes and urban legends."

Free money from Microsoft's Bill Gates? Millions from a Nigerian prince for just a little assistance in transferring funds? Free rice to feed the world by simply playing an online vocabulary game?

Sound the buzzer on the first two. False. Too good to be true. But say, "cha-ching!" to the third. Yes, you can donate rice, at no out-of-pocket costs to you, and help feed impoverished people in Africa and Asia through Breen's site at

Since its start-up on Oct. 7, more than 16 billion grains of rice have been donated. That'senough to feed 700,000 people for a day. And asthe Bloomington-based software programmer pointed out, the program has only just begun.

It's helped that National Public Radio, the CBS Evening News and BBC Radio are among the national and international news organizations to run with stories about the free rice program. "It is nice to get that kind of notice," Breen said. "What it's meant is that the program has grown a lot faster than I thought it would."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And how cool that he lives in Bloomington! It's amazing and inspiring to see the impact that one person can have.
