Monday, February 18, 2008

Who Could You Have Helped Today?

We all have opportunities, each and every day, to help others.  The question is, do you stay in your comfort zone, or do you move outside that zone?  Do you allow yourself some discomfort in order to help another or to better someone else's life?  The following poem, while dealing with safety, is applicable and adoptable to many situations.  So next time, when the thought to say something to help another occurs, act on it, even if it makes you uncomfortable.  This is what giving forward is all about :o)

I could have saved a life today


I could have saved a life today,

But I chose to look the other way.

It wasn’t that I didn’t care,

I had the time, and I was there.

But I didn’t want to seem a fool,

Or argue over a safety rule.


I knew he’d done the job before,

If I called it wrong, he might get sore.

The chances didn’t seem that bad,

I’ve done the same, he knew I had.

So I shook my head and walked on by,

He knew the risks as well as I.

He took the chance, I closed an eye,

And with that act, I let him die.


I could have saved a life today,

But I chose to look the other way.

Now every time I see his wife,

I’ll know I should have saved his life.

That guilt is something I must bear,

But it isn’t something you need to share.


If you see a risk that others take,

That puts their health or life at stake.

The question asked, or thing you say,

Could help them live another day.

If you see a risk and walk away,

Then hope you never have to say,


I could have saved a life today,

But I chose to look the other way.

Do you care enough?


Anonymous said...

Yes, that does apply to many situations. We've all heard stories of someone being harmed while others heard it happening and did nothing. That's so appalling. For the person who ignores a cry for help...would it make a difference if the person being harmed was your child, your wife, your father or mother? Or any other relative, or the guy across the street? It's a fellow human being, and we need to keep our compassion for others and realize that we're all in this together. We all need to be safe, but if there's something we can do to help, it's our duty to do so. Great entry.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my journal and leaving the nice comment about my Mom  & Dad as they deal with his Alzhiemers. I'm so sorry you lost your Grandmother to it as is such an awful disease. I just looked over your journal and I really like it, so I'm putting you on my alerts so I won't miss an entry! You know what grabbed me...what you said about your wife, and how you talk about are a man after my own heart!! I feel the same way about my hubby, except we have been married almost 29 years....we don't fight either,  and I never get tired of spending time with him. We are both lucky, Ken!
I love the poem says so much. Doing something to make another's life easier is the biggest "high" you will ever have, and people who don't really miss out on a blessing. Thanks for sharing that.

Pooh Hugs,
P.S.......My Hubby, Marv, is an Eeyore Fan too :)

Anonymous said...

There are a few people in my community who've hit on very hard times & feel totally disinvested in, I do try to make an effort to help them & I have the capacity to empathize with their situation, & let them know & feel that as best I can.  I think I do care enough, but I do try to push myself to SHOW I care, not just feel it or talk about it.  That's when it counts.  ~Mary

Anonymous said...

Linn and Mary,

Thank you so much for stopping by.  Glad my entries can give you some inspiration or moments of pause.

Anonymous said...

I love this entry and I think I can do more

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sherry - Good Luck :o)

Anonymous said...

As Beth so fondly likes to say "your preaching to the choir here"....I crack up every time she says that too...

This can be applied to so many different scenerio's. One that comes to mind readily because I tend to be heavily involved in it, is abuse. If you see someone, getting hit or with the signs of abuse, SPEAK UP....You never know when a few kind words, a show of concern will make a difference for someone. Looking away never gave anyone a good night of sleep. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I came by way of Magic Smoke.  This entry is special, and oh so true.  We let so many opportunities pass by to better someone else's life.  Sometimes something as simple as a smile came make someone's day.  Think about it, that person can be cheered up, b/c they had a bad day, or even something bigger.  They could have been suicidal and now think that someone cares and decides to change their mind.  You never know what a simple act is going to do for mankind, either for the good or for the bad.  So why not move out of your comfort zone today and help someone else today, in any way the Lord shows you?  In any way you so feel moved.  You will be glad you did.  Even if it is hard at first and causes you to stretch and grow as a person, this will help YOU!  You will become better too.  So do what you can to do your part, even if it is a smile to make the world brighter!  Do purposeful acts of kindness!!!

Krissy :)