Tuesday, January 1, 2008



Origins of the name Bucko - in another lifetime (1995-1997), while living in Monroe Michigan, I had the opportunity to become involved in "clowning", being a clown that is.  My chosen character is a hobo clown (in the vein of Emmett Kelly, Jr.), a character that is down on his luck but eternally optimistic.  This fits my personality very well, and also the fact that the hobo character is more silent than vocal, again, a good fit for me.  The name "Bucko" came from my children being told that Daddy is working for the "buckos", resulting in my clown name.

Why this entry at this time you might ask?  Below is a comment I posted on my wife's blog (http://journals.aol.com/luvrte66/nutwoodjunction/), after she had a reference from Dr. Will on his blog:

An optimist will trump a pessimist every time.  Finding the good in any situation, being pragmatic and taking the long term approach, can only result in a positive outlook and result.

Congrats on you comment from Dr. Will :o)


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