Saturday, June 21, 2008

Do Not Try This At Home

Thursday night, as I was putting away my “work” work, and we were getting ready for dinner and a movie, I did the unthinkable – I had an injury.


For those who have read me for a while, you know that my work place (a nuclear power plant) is striving to improve our safety performance.  Imagine my chagrin when as I was putting away my portfolio binder, and my large Dell computer laptop, the computer fell off the back of the couch and landed squarely on the bridge of my foot.


Needless to say, I was speechless for several moments (not to say that there were not some groans and such being muttered). As the immediate intense pain subsided, I determined that I would gingerly apply some pressure to my left foot – I am pleased to report that I did not immediately buckle and fall to my knees :o)


Luckily a 2-1/2 foot drop is not enough to break your foot with a laptop, but I have to admit that I would not recommend this course of action for any J-Land readers.  Friday at work, the limping gate I experienced going from my vehicle to my office, and then intothe plant, resulted in a cold sweat.


I muddled through Friday, and today was a little better, I was actually able to do some yard work and exercise without any grimaces. 


As I was out and about in the yard, having chopped up a few branches that fell across our path through the marsh, a thunderstorm decided to make its presence known while I was mowing the yard.  So tomorrow is another day (and hopefully I can finish the lawn :o)


Tonight we are going to the local Comedy Club, and tomorrow is a family reunion on Beth’s side of the family. 


Here is hoping that you are having a good weekend.


Anonymous said...

Hope your foot improves with each passing day.  I worked in an old building once, that had an old ceramic sink where I would get water to make coffee every morning.  Once morning the sink came completely off the wall and smashed over my foot, breaking 2 bones in the foot and criss-crossing the big toe into 2 breaks.  Funny, but it didn't hurt right away.  It took a couple of hours for the pain to set in but the color was immediately black.  Anyway...more info than you needed.  Heal quickly...Joyce

Anonymous said...

An icepack and elevation per Dr. Beth, as well as cleaning with peroxide, antibiotic ointment, and a Band-Aid.

I think it might have been a little more than "groans and such" that you muttered. ;)

Seriously, I am very glad you didn't break anything. I wondered for a while was pretty bad!


Anonymous said...

OUCH!!  Hope the foot feels better soon.  I once broke my foot just jumping off our boat into the water.

Anonymous said...

Seems like we are both in the "OUCH' department. I have a dislocated thumb. No I haven't missed the irony that my daughter does too and it's the same exact hand. They say a mother feels her child's pain, this is a little above and beyond. Actually it's the result of moving our new dining table into the house. I told Beth pictures would be forthcoming in a few days (of the dining table that is). Meanwhile I'm glad nothing was broken, foot or computer. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

Oooh!  Sorry to hear about that.  I can sympathize.  I broke a big toe once during a performance and didn't realize it until I took a bath later that night.


Anonymous said...

Seems like your work place needs to redo their workplace safety performance efforts and get them transfered to the home ((giggles)).

Anonymous said...

... ouch ..!  I am sure you know to keep it elevated ... since you are still doin' stuff, no need to talk about resting it ... ice it, and I would skip the heat to it, ice for 15 mins. then warm for a half hour ... then more ice ...

... enjoy the show ..!