Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Science Scene - New Nukes, Poll Results For You

We all are hearing about the perils of climate change, and although there are still issues with nuclear (cost of new plants and waste disposal), these issues are political in nature, not technological.  We have deep burial, transmigration (melting and enclosing in glass), and reprocessing options available, just not the political guts to choose an option and move forward.

Options: Do nothing and bury our heads regarding global warming; energy conservation - only solves part of the problem; renewable's - only solves part of the problem and requires 100's to 1000's of acres of footprint compared to a power plant; you get the picture.

New Nuclear is a clean energy choice that can tide our nation, and the world, over until the next scientific/engineered solution presents itself. Am I biased - yes! Would I want a waste burial site in my backyard - yes, I could deal with that. Do I want a nuclear power plant in my back yard - Yes, been there and done that.

Below are the poll results for new nuclear for your reading pleasure. 


[Courtesy of Plattes] SIXTY-SEVEN PERCENT OF AMERICANS FAVOR BUILDING NEW NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS in the US, according to results of a Zogby Interactive online poll released June 6.   Forty-six percent of those surveyed said they "strongly support" new nuclear plants, Zogby said. "A majority of respondents of all ages -- with the exception of those age 18 to 24 (47%) -- expressed support for building new nuclear power plants," Zogby said. Men (82%) are more likely than women (52%) to favor new nuclear plants, it said. The survey of 2,925 adults was conducted May 20-22, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 1.8%, Zogby said. The results are online at www.zogby.com/News/ReadNews.dbm?ID=1515.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm amazed at those poll results. Apparently nuclear power is gaining some converts. Realistically, it is currently the best option to pursue.

Cool Science Scene!


Anonymous said...

why does the word Nuke scare me so much

Anonymous said...

I've mostly met the "not in my backyard" people. They understand it is needed if it is in Ohio & they are in NJ, but not near THEM. Whenever I mention how unrealistic this is, they said I don't understand what they mean ;-).
I think I do. ~Mary