Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's Karma Stupid :o)

It's the small things in our lives that, over a period of time, add up and make us the people that we are, and cause us to react the way we do. 

There is a lot to be said for the old adage that you choose how to react and respond to adversity.  I also very much believe in the fact that what goes around - comes around, that Karma is the great equalizer.

There was a time when, in my younger days, I could easily get riled up, that I would allow others to push my buttons.  When you adjust your thoughts, actions, feelings, and perceptions to respond and adjust to others, you end up losing yourself.  When you lose yourself, when you observe the world through a veil of anger, my experience is that down deep - you become a very unhappy person.  This negativity impacts all those around you. 

About 10 years ago, it was like a switch was flipped, I decided that I was no longer going to live life in a victim loop.  I would live my life true to myself, to my values and ideals, to my vision of happiness, to my memory of my Father and my Grandmother (Nan).  It is not an easy path to completely change your life, your perspective, your attitude - but there is a definite peace to being true to your inner being.  Does that mean that people do not get hurt along the way, no I say, but sometimes you must push forward, even knowing this truth.

One thing I have definitely experienced, is that a positive attitude is contagious, and that even when things look bleak, if you keep an even keel, smile at those who wish you ill, laugh in the face of adversity, and most importantly [for me anyway], find the silver lining in each and every rain cloud, that Karma has a way of making all things even out in the end.

As I write this, I can say, with no doubt in my soul, that I have never been happier in my life.  I have a wife who is my soul mate, my best friend, and who never ceases to laugh at all my lame jokes/gestures/antics/voices/you get the picture :o)  I have two wonderful children from my first marriage, that while I do not see or interact with nearly as much as I would want - I know that they are good people who will always carry a part of me in their lives no matter where they go or what they do.  I have a job that pays me well, at a company that cares about sustainability, and that has a lot of good people that desire to make a difference and be the best that you can be [I know the Army reference is unavoidable] :o).  I have a new family that has accepted me as one of their own, that is never judgmental and always accepting and caring.  I have my faith, a very personal matter, that guides me each and every day.

I belong to another family - the J-Land family, that has inspired me to revel in my positive attitude.  So thanks for listening to the ramblings of a hobo-clown.  Remember, Karma is watching you, if you are true to yourself, then there is no doubt in my mind that you will find your inner peace and pay it forward.  If you are not true to yourself, it will come back to kick you in your butt!


Anonymous said...

As you know, you're preachin' to the choir here! I think Karma's doing a lot of butt-kicking lately....

By the way, my jokes are WAY lamer than yours, so your putting up with them is much nobler than my putting up with yours! ;)


Anonymous said...

Hi Bucko... Thanks for visiting my journal!!  I SO agree with your entry, here... I'm more of a believer in Jesus than Karma, but it amounts to the same thing on having a positive attitude and what goes around, comes around (because Jesus watches over his own). I really do feel that living positive is very important to living a healthy life... I wish everyone would strive to be happy in their lives.


Anonymous said...

OH... and CHEEZ, almost forgot... CONGRATS on being a Guest Editor PICK!!!!  


Anonymous said...

I cannot claim to always be positive, but I do take personal responsibility.  There is total futility in the flight from your unknown(or your unwanted). Change is hard, but constructive change is worth it. ~Mary

Anonymous said...

It never fails, reading the interaction of the comments between you and Beth on each others journals tends to make one smile...I seriously believe as Beth said Karma is kicking some ass lately. I tend to believe life is way too short to let those individuals steal any of it from you with bitterness and careless words. You and Beth compliment one another always. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

This is such a great philosophy of living. Getting to this understanding of life can be such a difficult road and I respect you for making the journey, and having such a contagious sense of joy and happiness. You and Beth make me want to visit the two of you just to soak up the pleasure of your company. Congratualtions on being featured by the Guest Editor, more people need to share in the positive vibrations that I always feel when I visit your journal. Thank you for sharing the good stuff.--Sheria

Anonymous said...

What a great entry.  You give off such a feeling of well-being that you really didn't have to tell us what an amazing life you have and how grateful you are for it.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

... you said a lot here to be admired ... when people ask how I can constantly be so happy and cheerful, I tell them that the 'default' is to be sad and bleak ... if you are going to be doing and expecting something from your efforts, you are best served by looking forward to them ... and not to what happens if ... usually either way you go, you are right ...

... but it feels better either way when you are smiling with it ..!

Anonymous said...

What goes around does come around.  What we send into the lives of others does come back into our own.  I'm glad that you made the life-changing decision that you did.  

"When you adjust your thoughts, actions, feelings, and perceptions to respond and adjust to others, you end up losing yourself."  So very true and well said.
