Monday, August 18, 2008

National Guard - Public Affairs

How cool, today, we had a Lt. Colonel from the national guard, on rotation to Washington D.C., originally from Alaska, as one of the presenters.  The National Guard is essential to emergency response - providing live preservation, restoring order, providing communications, and providing government continuity.

One thing I have not had a chance to investigate is that they have a State Partnership program in place, and Indiana is partnered with Serbia.  If you want to see who your state partners with, go to and check it out. 

One interesting thing to learn, especially as we hear how stretched our Title-10 troops (that is regular army) are, is that our National Guard process ensures that at least 50% of each states reserve is not committed.  We have rarely committed more than 15% of our guard units to overseas commitments.  So, while our combat units are stretched thin, know that we have ample resources at home to protect states and/or for disaster recovery.

Our presenter is involved in Public Affairs, and his quote is "Go Ugly Early - Bad News Does Not Get Better With Time."  I think this has many parallels in every day life :o)


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that quote!! I've never heard that before! I'm writing that one down.

As you know, my Dad made his career in the National Guard, so I have a special place in my heart for the Guard. :) The media writes about how all of our National Guard troops are being sent overseas--nice to hear from the source that there are still plenty of Guardsmen here for when--not if--we need them.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like it was a really good presention to sit and listen to.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it was a great presentation. Had to laught with the sentiments, "Go Ugly Early, Bad News Doesn't Get Better Over Time...." I need a plaque of that somewhere in my house right now. I'm finding out Contractors don't know how to do a damn thing unless you lead them by the hand...Ugh! The house will have a few improvements in the end. I just wanted something to go right without having to take more out of me.

I needed the chuckle hon. Truly love those sentiments. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

interesting because so many of us do not know that 50% are available for a crisis. good job Bucko!