Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Nuclear ???

--SIXTY-NINE PERCENT OF AMERICANS "DEFINITELY" FAVOR NEW NUCLEAR PLANTS in the US, according to a poll by Bisconti Research and GfK for the Nuclear Energy Institute. This is 10% more than favored new reactors in a similar poll last conducted in April 2007, NEI said September 29. Three-fourths of those polled said they "would find it acceptable to add a new reactor at the nearest existing nuclear power plant site," 9% more than last year, NEI said. The poll found that 38% "strongly favor" nuclear energy and 10% "strongly oppose" the technology, it said. Nuclear plants are considered "safe and secure" by 78% of those surveyed, up from 71% in April 2007, NEI said. Seventy-six percent said the US should continue to develop a geologic spent fuel repository at Yucca Mountain in Nevada as long as it meets NRC regulations, it said. Ann Bisconti, president of Bisconti Research, said in a statement that, "in the 25 years that I have been tracking public opinion about nuclear energy, I have never witnessed anything like this increase on all the measures [of support for nuclear power] across the board." The telephone survey of 1,000 adults was conducted September 18-21 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3%.


I will continue to post both locations, but my new journal will be:  http://buckoclown.blogspot.com/


Anonymous said...

... are YOU in favour of 'new nuclear'?  I think that fear is the big reason that there hasn't been any real advancement in the industry, at least as far as I can tell.  The French haven't done anything lately, if I am correct, and they are on the forefront of the industry, are they not?

It isn't in my pay grade to know if it is safe or not, but I do think we need to get back into finding out how it (nuclear energy) can be safely utilized and produced.

Anonymous said...

Back in the days when I was totally aginst nuclear power plants it was primairly because I felt that most of the so-called experts on the subject didn't really know enough about it to know what they saying.  I thought it was sold before the package was opened.  Things have changed.   DB

Anonymous said...

dear Ken It's not wonder people favor the be nuclear plans
I think some people are just afraid of our inability to transform nuclear waste into something non toxic ( my teen says this anyway:))
What should I tell him?
Big Congrats on your new spot!
Please tell me other addresses as you get hem
I am thinking about Bea, Pharmolo, Marti , Barbara, Paul , Sam and Samsays to name a few...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.Friendship spread up a thousand years!