Friday, September 26, 2008

Science Scene - Roundabout

Seems that recently, at least here in South Bend, IN, a new phenomena has become a reality.  The introduction of a roundabout.  It this a good thing, or not?  Here are some interesting facts (from a September 15, 2008 TIME article regarding the 50 roundabouts in Carmel, IN):
  • Cars entering a roundabout must yield to those already in the circle.
  • With all cars traveling in the same direction, roundabouts eliminate head-on collisions, as well as left turns, one of the most dangerous moves in an intersection.
  • Because drivers are anxious about merging with roundabout traffic, they slow down, which helps reduce accidents.
  • With no traffic lights to divert dirvers' attention upward, roundabouts keep motorist focused on the cars and pedestrians around them.
  • With no traffic lights, drivers save time and gas money (reduces idle time at intersections and signals).
  • Roundabouts cost much less to construct than stoplight intersections.
So, next time you are out-and-about, and happen to encounter a roundabout, appreciate the simplicity and inherent safety of the design :o)


Anonymous said...

I actually kind of like roundabouts--there's a large one in the middle of downtown Indianapolis. It's amazing how many people get freaked out by them, though. "Oh no, what do I do? How do I get out of this crazy thing?" Isn't it in "European Vacation" that Clark Griswold gets stuck in a roundabout in London? LOL


Anonymous said...

Years ago there was one of these in San Antonio but I think everyone called it the circle. It had a big grassy mound in the middle of it so you couldn't see the other side. They finally removed it and redid the area. Paula

Anonymous said...

I'm originally from Boston and they have plenty of them up there....they call them rotaries................they cause more problems and accidents.  I hate them.

To my surprise, I have seen two roundabouts recently placed here in Florida!

Hugs, Rose

Anonymous said...

I was deep cleaning today & had both of my house doors wide open.  A little squirrel friend entered my house & went NUTS running around for a while(so did the kittens, btw!).  THAT is why I don't care for Roundabouts.  A few times I've gotten stuck behind or at the side of someone who had NO IDEA where to go,
how to go,stopping, starting, one lane, then next, back..... I know where *I* am going, but....

Anonymous said...

They're a major feature of our roads here in the UK; have been for many years. It's the little mini-roundabouts that can cause problems. For some insane reason, people forget the roundabout rules on these (give way to the right) and either steam their way straight across without braking or sit and wait forever, wondering if it's their turn or not.


Anonymous said...

we have a couple of those roundabouts here in our town.  They actually work pretty well.  Have a good weekend.